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Emerald Ascent


We are stewards of our Earthship and the world of tomorrow, giving thanks for yesterday and adding value to the eternal now, by bringing organic hemp to the people.


Every step in the creation of Emerald Ascent has been 100 percent intentional. Amidst a hemp craze where growers are quickly scaling production at an unprecedented rate, we are sticking to our belief that small is beautiful. We grow our organic and regenerative hemp on an acre of land in the Appalachian mountains to ensure that each plant has never been touched by a single chemical and that our soil stays rich with vital nutrients and minerals. We offer our products at an affordable rate and pay a living wage to our tight-knit team of heartfelt Earth lovers. We stick to our principles, even when it impacts our bottom-line, because our goal is to do the most good and join the renaissance of conscious commerce.


Here at Emerald Ascent, we are both students and practitioners of what we call “the ancient future”. We believe that the time is here for changing the way modern civilization engages with Earth – and to move humanity forward, we need to look to practices of the past. That’s why all of our growing techniques are permaculture based and indigenous to Appalachia. Our current agricultural system is hyper-industrialized and creates tons of needless pollution through the use of synthetic chemicals and fossil fuels. This makes our all-organic methods an innovation in-and-of themselves. 


All are uplifted and none harmed. That is what synergy means to us. We’re here to make a living, not a killing, and our goal is to add value to all the resources impacted in our supply and production chain. When we add organic compost to the land, the soil gains nutrients. When we grow, harvest, and extract our hemp, we provide people with a job they can be proud of. When we sell our hemp oil, we help small businesses selling quality products make a profit. And when our CBD hits your tongue, your body, mind, and spirit simultaneously align. 


Some scientists say that humanity could solve the climate crisis simply through soil restoration. Healthy soil is a natural carbon-capturing technology. Mainstream industrial agricultural practices create excess runoff and strip the soil of the beneficial microbes that perform this miraculous feat. Emerald Ascent uses techniques like cover cropping, composting, zero-tilling, and companion planting with perennial crops to make sure that we enhance the structure of our soil, so it can store excess carbon and help reduce C02 levels in our atmosphere to a healthy level.


We believe there exists a cure in nature for every disease. That’s why we use all-natural methods to keep our plants healthy – instead of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides known to create disease inside humans. Our hemp oil is as pure as it gets. We stand by that. And it is handled by hands that live as close to Earth as our plants. Because we believe that having your hands in the soil and a body filled with CBD are keys to a thriving life.


We are on a mission to share our highly generative  farming practices with growers across the world. We believe in collaboration, not competition. It is our dream for people to work with hemp to promote economic, social, natural, and physical prosperity. When you buy a bottle of Emerald Ascent, you are supporting this vision of a united humanity. And we thank you for choosing us.